MusicCast by Yamaha
For a new business project with Yamaha, I proposed designs based on cymatics, the study of visible vibration. What if sound could be visualized?

Although the result of the pitch was to make a few web banners, I had a couple of cool ideas.

To give MusicCast a new look that would separate it from the competition, we explored the idea of using cymatics. With the tagline "Find your frequency." I thought this design element could expand into a social campaign. Each user could have their own cymantic that represented their own literal frequency. Together, with their friends, they can make music.

When used on a photo, the cymantic is suppose to target one's ear.

Once you found your frequency, what do you do with it?
I thought the design element could expand into a social campaign. Each user can upload and image to get their own cymatic. The user can then upload it to a minisite, and create their own music out of their frequency.

MusicCast is all about sharing your music. So why not share your frequency! When a user hashtags their image #myfrequency, other friends can use their "frequency" to create music or have one be randomly generated.

After we won the business, we stray from the original pitch. This concept is very product focused and tells the viewer what they can expect from Musiccast.

Inspired by youtube videos of high school students calling each other beautiful, this ad focused on the expressions that music leaves you with.

The banners lead to a 91% increase in social mentions, 76% increase in organic search volume, and a 233% increase in e-commerce transactions.